[kj] Democracy (the cd)- yearning for live execution thereof...

FlumeDC at aol.com FlumeDC at aol.com
Wed Nov 10 19:02:52 EST 2004

No news here - just some random musing about how great it must have been to 
have seen the songs on Democracy performed live.  There were a handful of live 
shows in Europe after its release if I recall correctly.  Did anyone here 
catch it?  Can you offer any memories?

Been listening to that cd a lot lately - the topicality of the lyrics are 
obvious - and the layers of Geordie's guitars are a dense and scorching mix of 
textures.  As I listen, I can only imagine how potent this material must have 
been in concert and regret that they seem to have dismissed it completely on the 
last tour.  Maybe we'll get to see some of these songs reintroduced into the 
set if we're lucky enough to see more shows.  
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