[kj] ebay help germany ! Please

Mark G Holt akillingjoker at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Nov 18 14:15:23 EST 2004

Have you got help yet?
email me or yahoo messenger me at once if not
i have funds in paypal if they'll let me bid for you and 53 stars on uk ebay if that helps???

Arvid Mork <kj_change at hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi, everyone, and especially you in germany.
I really need your help.

Could someone from germany please help me buy a cd on ebay.
The auction ends tomorrow at 14.10 mez, and I have not got my code,
in the post, yet. I can't make any bid before I have the code.

So to help me you need to have been making bids on german ebay. Buying 

The cd I really like to have is PVC - Wall City Rock :


I was planning to use up to 30 euro on the cd, pluss 5 euro on postage.
The highest bid at the moment is 10.52 euro. So the one that helps me,
I'll send 35 euro inkl. postage for the cd.

Please help me !!

Arvid (Norway)

MSN Hotmail http://www.hotmail.com Med markedets beste SPAM-filter. Gratis!

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