[kj] ot - damned christmas lights

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Mon Nov 22 04:16:46 EST 2004

Patrick Davies wrote:

> Now someone off the X Factor might have been better known in Cambridge 
> and more appropriate for the modern commercialisation of the festivity ; )

Now that is Evil. I'd be protesting that shite.

"Now are you dissapointed you didn't win?"

"<sob> y-yes... <sob>."

"Terrible of us to wind you up so much about it on live TV wasn't it?"

"<sob> uhuh <sob>"

"Are you going to go home and kill yerself?"

"<sob> <nods>"

"And we'll have a camera crew round to keep the viewers up to date with 
that. See Highlights of little suzie topping herself after the break."


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