[kj] Pere Ubu in 3D Pool(OT)
peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Mon Nov 22 14:34:47 EST 2004
Graeme,As I have difficulty understanding your posts.I have come to the
conclusion that you are either: very clever,so much so that your posts go
straight over my head,Or you are stupid and your posts don't make sense.
I will let you know when i ve decided.
(Finally remembering the (OT)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Graeme Rowland" <crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 4:14 PM
Subject: [kj] Pere Ubu in 3D Pool
> Eye Sis,
> Dylan sang allegorical wit about Isis that etched my
> memory with the image of a cathedral shrouded in mist.
> I bombed up the hills from Toxteth after machines and
> buses failed, as I knew the fat American maestro
> Thomas was already holding sway. I missed his intro
> speech, except for some bad words about a sherrif.
> 3D glasses on for a good night of telescopic
> observation of falling fiery alien craft. They hit the
> planet burning, those one eyed oddities that are more
> funny than fearsome. Whilst the band plays music that
> keeps making me think "Mother Sky" by Can gone to live
> in the diamond desert, these creatures mimic the forms
> of human beings, as you call them.
> There is also the small matter of the belligerent
> sherrif and his posse, and some rocks bouncing out of
> the screen to nowhere in particular. The song '92
> degrees' by Siouxsie the Original Banshee Goth Lady
> lifts the sherrif's dialogue from this film, just
> before he gets punched in the mush by meek astronomer
> hero.
> Chris Cutler played the drums, and in all the music
> Pere Ubu played would probably nicely fill a 40 minute
> album. At times David Thomas did rants over the film,
> but mostly it was an instrumental ride and the band
> let silence ring when the film could speak for itself.
> Lou Reed once sang electricity comes from other
> planets, probably because he was a one eyed beast in
> disguise.
> Pere Ubu had ignition and the one eyed aliens left
> peacefully thanks to the miracle of red green plastic.
> =====
> Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine
> http://www.webinfo.co.uk/crackedmachine
> "What one thinks of as extremes seldom are" :: BC Gilbert
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