[kj] OT: fatpotangas lovely crap poll

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 30 01:18:42 EST 2004

> 1. Name
>  Leigh 
> 70. age 
> 28
> 32. shoe size
>  11 
> 8. any secret names/aliases 
> no, but i do have invisability powers 
> 95. I earn a living as 
> a landlord/anchor
> 7. but secretly I'd like to be....
>  free of any and all responsability. actually, it's
no secret.
> 8. what type of underwear are you wearing 
> green boxers
> 11. what's your credit card number (mail me off
> list) 
> i'll give you my PIN number and a urine sample while
i'm at it
> 6. Dear Santa, I've been ever so good so for Xmas
> pleez can I have.. 
> Halo 2, you fat fucking lard.
> 3. I live in... 
> a state of fractured optimism.
> 3. My highpoints of 2004 were 
> getting married in march, adopting a puppy from the
humane society, leaving a job that i hated, playing a
show at the knitting factory, seeing skinny puppy for
the first time...
> 9. Aside from this poll, the crappest thing (so far)
> in 2004 was 
>  all the time i spent fruitlessly scrounging around
for work
> 16. I last washed my...
>  right foot
> 53. Next year I'm rather looking forward to 
> making a baby, getting a job at the hospital, doing
a new CD, hopefully playing shows on the west coast 
> 9. I'm currently enjoying... 
> Greek On Wheels
> 88. When noones looking I sometimes like to.... 
> look at people when they aren't looking.
> 42. in the event of my death I'd quite like to be...
> reduced to nothing but fine red mist.
> 0. for my funeral I'd like... 
> the place to stink of death
> 20. Some thoughts on Killing Joke: 
> hmmm...loved them from the very start, fire dances
is perfection, extremities was probably their last
REALLY great album, but i love everything they've done
since and i can't believe how good the last album was.
They are well past their prime, no longer a young,
motivated, hungry band out to conquer the world, yet
they are still capable of greatness. I just wish
they'd take more control of affairs outside of the
music these days ie: album cover art, videos, press
and promo 
> 22. I quite like to drink... 
> Pepsi 
> 34. I think I have a talent for... 
> mimicry 
> 46. I would like to achieve 
> sharper wit (so i can use it to come up with funnier
poll answers)
> 732. I'm a bit frightened of... 
>  US fucking border guards
> 6. I can't stand... 
> cuz my bones will puncture through my skin
> 59. I want to go to... 
> Japan
> 18. I hate my... 
> self 
> 9. I cringe when I remember the time that... 
> i accidentally kicked my dog in the face really hard
> 88. when I'm drunk I... 
> rule
> 101. my favourite body part is.. 
> the stirrup 
> 666. if you could paint anything on any part of any
> politician, who and what
> would you choose? 
> "She's A Stayer" on the first one i cross paths with
> 5. to relax I... 
> make lists
> 26. Oh god, not another stupid question 
> i know 
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