[kj] a tad OT - Emirates (sorry folks, it's football again)

Patrick Davies Patrick.Davies at subsea7.com
Thu Oct 7 04:19:59 EDT 2004

It's not a terrible deal but it's far from the great coup the Arse are suggesting.


For a start the deal is for £90m cash rather than the £100m in all the headlines. Then they're getting £6.75m a season for eight years for their shirt sponsorship - just above the £6m per season Chelsea got with Emirates but they're locked in for much longer.


Then all they get is £2.4m a season over 15 years for renaming their stadium. Better than nothing but far less than the £5m a season they were hoping/depending on. Paying for the thing is still clearly going to be a real struggle for them.




Cheslea will be sponsored by Orange in a new deal that will go hand in hand with the new shirt to mark the centenary season, possibly with a new badge (no more millwall lion). Centenery - new shirt - potential new badge and your bothered with emirates. Bet they are peeved that they aren't on it!


Would love a shirt with no sponsor on it but then again I don't buy replica shirts except for the kids. I don't dress up in cowboys and Indians gear either...well except when she demands it! ; )))






-----Original Message-----
From: antoni at clara.net [mailto:antoni at clara.net] 
Sent: 06 October 2004 21:39
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] a tad OT - Emirates (sorry folks, it's football again)


... any fellow Chelsea FC fans out there, somewhat bemused by Emirates decision to now announce it's planned new £100M link up with Arsenal, despite most of the current season's shirt deal at Stamford Bridge remaining & the combined Arsenal stadium and shirt deal not due to come into force until the 2006/2007 season, will not be suprised to hear that the backlash amongst Chelsea fans has begun : 


http://www.fountainhead.co.uk/kit3.jpg <http://www.fountainhead.co.uk/kit3.jpg> 


Rumour has it that Mr Abramovich was not remotely interested even meeting with officials to discuss extending the deal with the Arab airline beyond this season therefore this action may have been taken to spite Chelsea FC, who presumably will now be left with a stack of merchandise they cannot, as it bears the future sponsors name of the evil empire (ie. the nomads from Woolwich). There may be some pre-Xmas bargains to be had in the Chelsea Megastore. Evidence on the Chelsea Chat website suggests that fans will no longer wear this season shirt (or maybe wear it in reversable mode where the sponsors name does not appear) and opt instead for old classics or some of the recent Autoglass, Coors, Amiga & Commodore efforts. Oh happy times. 


Just to change the subject, I will post a few snaps from last week's Headcount gig but thankfully I had a pint in my hand when Rob beared his arse, again ... 





* http://home.clara.net/antoni/ *

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