[kj] maybe its just a coincidence...

sade1 saulomar1 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 7 20:45:15 EDT 2004

   Good point you've made, there. I agree that qualifying email should be labelled as "NSW" or something similar and universally understood.  

Geoffrey ODonoghue <go1845 at yahoo.com> wrote:
Can I just make a general request for a warning to be given regarding any links to sites that could potentially cause a gatherer to end up in deep shit with his employer!
I realise that in this case Tin Soldier did describe the site as extremely disturbing and that should have given me pause - but I carried on, thinking that it would possibly be a political commentary site. From what I could gather (as I frantically scrambled to close down the browser window and a few other automatically opened windows) this is a porn site.
I have no problem with porn and I don't want this list to be censored in any way but a warning like "in the privacy of your home" would stop numbskulls like me from making a potentially career-limiting mistake!
The issue of material unsuitable for the workplace has been in the news lately here in Australia. A bloke is being threatened with termination from his govt dept for receiving and forwarding jokingly risque email material (at worst soft porn). The emails happened quite some time back and the bloke deleted everything but the stuff was still on a network server somewhere. The govt dept recently brought in new guidelines and penalties for this type of material and they are retrospectively applying them to these old emails they dredged up. 

Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com wrote:
just been visiting an extremely disturbing site called steakandcheese.com and i came across a picture and theres a comment under the picture by none other than j coleman.coincidence?http://www.steakandcheese.com/content/detail.asp?id=14306&Type=3&Page=1

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