[kj] OT: The great Punk Debate culture theives read ; >

Jpwhkj at aol.com Jpwhkj at aol.com
Tue Oct 19 02:32:26 EDT 2004

Well, that settles it I guess. We just quote that every time this debate re-ignites. (And you know it will.)


"Ketracel White" <ketracelwhite at hotmail.com> writes:

>>From AMG (All Music Guide):
>"The Ramones are the first punk rock band. Other bands, such as the Stooges and the New York Dolls, came before them and set the stage and aesthetic for punk, and bands that immediately followed, such as the Sex Pistols, made the latent violence of the music more explicit, but the Ramones crystallized the musical ideals of the genre."
>God Bless America.

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