[kj] ot Red Sox

J E S T E R webmaster at killing-joke.com
Wed Oct 27 10:10:48 EDT 2004

It's just entertainment Alex. No worse than going to a concert or 
something along those lines. Shit, more people get fucked up at 
concerts on American soil than football, basketball or baseball games. 
Lets not mention the real riots at eu football games.


On Oct 27, 2004, at 7:24 AM, Alexander Smith wrote:

> Professional Sports....specifically American ones....are for raving 
> idiots.
> That is all.
> Alex in NYC
> On Tuesday, October 26, 2004, at 11:51 PM, J E S T E R wrote:
>> As you know, and the ALCS should have confirmed this, it aint over 
>> till the last out.
>> Bill Buckner lives on...dont jinx your team.
>> I hope the bosox do win it, if for nothing else, St. Louis just 
>> sucks. But also, one less curse in the world of baseball is a good 
>> thing for Cubs fans. You just wait till next year!
>> J E S T E R
>> On Oct 26, 2004, at 10:41 PM, peter muckle wrote:
>>> Hi ALL peter here
>>> Just to let you guys know the Boston Red Sox are on there way to win 
>>> the world series,
>>> and they beat the Yankees on the way.
>>> after being 3 - 0 down they come back for a record breaking 4 - 3 
>>> win.
>>> Thats it folks
>>> Peter
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>>> What a sh*t day.
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>> J E S T E R
>> -- Real men of genius, here's to you Mr. Prevent Offense Play Caller 
>> Guy. We salute you because hey, without you we may have actually won 
>> a RRS this decade. So pop open an ice cold kool-aide. You deserve it 
>> you pundit of perpetual suckness.
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-- Real men of genius, here's to you Mr. Prevent Offense Play Caller 
Guy. We salute you because hey, without you we may have actually won a 
RRS this decade. So pop open an ice cold kool-aide. You deserve it you 
pundit of perpetual suckness.

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