[kj] Gathering - alternative names

culturevirus culturevirus at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 27 23:29:19 EDT 2004

For some reason "Tabazan" seems strangely appropriate.
On the negative side it does sound somewhat like a
--- nicholas fitzpatrick <gasw30 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> If you were to set up another Killing Joke e-mail
> list and name it after a 
> KJ song, which would be most appropriate and why?
> Rubicon - because it's sort of like a place (i know
> strictly that's not true 
> but I'm just brainstorming here).
> Wardance - as in, "We are going to Wardance". Again,
> kind of conveys going 
> to a place, albeit only by a stretch of the
> imagination, but Gatherers would 
> probably get it (I know I'm scrapping the barrell
> now).
> The Hum - as in, "We were drawn towards the hum..."
> (This is not turning out 
> to be as interesting as what I thought it might 5
> minutes ago).
> OK, fine, this was a really sh*t idea and I won't
> take up any more of your 
> time. (Oh fu*k, Tiahuanaco. That's a place. Will
> that do?).

I am culturevirus

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