[kj] Rush Result

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Sat Sep 4 05:36:17 EDT 2004

Everyone(Barring 3) on this board likes Rush:
Take this you non-voters:Rush -KJ top5

1 The Death and Rusherection show.
2 Laugh I nearly brought Rush.
3 Rushquiem.
4 Are you Rusheiving?
5 Rushelations

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Davies" <Patrick.Davies at subsea7.com>
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
<gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: [kj] Rush Result

Due too the one-sided nature of the poll, 9-3 I ve decided too end the agony
and declare that,
The good news is that I shall have too evaluate my position as a
gatherer,But I wont promise you anything

Missed the Rush thread being on me Holidays in the Sun.
I reacll a hippy aquaintence feeding me a heap of mushrooms and sitting me
down to listen about some inspirational piece on trees by Rush.
A few weeks later im standing there speaking to b a nana and hes asking what
ive been listening too.
Rush I said, something about trees.
Do you like it he asked
Pile of sheet I said, over indulgent hippy crap sponsored by the institution
we were so busy sticking two fingers up at.
It would the equivelent to listening to U2 nowadays. You don’t do you?

So im in san fransisco and shes doing some more shopping while I sit in mock
protests with an iced tea in this square with an indian name. Spots did I
this jesters hat and im in there in a shot looking to spend the $. She asks
me what the fack I want a jesters hat for! tsk
I turned around and asked her if she ever listened to Rush

; )))))

gotta gotta getaway


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