[kj] (OT) SHOCK!!

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Sun Sep 5 13:07:55 EDT 2004

I think Capitalism has nothing too do with it.I cant name any terror act done in the name of Anti-Capitalism,I do feel you are using the latest terror attacks too forward your own beliefs.It's interesting to note all the 9/11 attackers were middle-class university educated and Bin-Laden was bought up in a lavish way,So it's not the poor under-classes attacking the higher-classes

But what system would you put in it's place?A Cuban or N Korean system?Communism has already proved it's unworkable .
     Just say you got rid of Capitalism and everyone converted to Islam,Surely the new terrorists would then be the Christian Capitalists.
     The only answer is too all live together and respect each others principles(Like we do in England).
     I find the only people who are anti-capitalists are the poor ones who are not very good at it ,And see the downfall of Capitalism as their only way of moving up.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: GregSlawson at aol.com 
  To: gathering at misera.net 
  Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 5:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [kj] (OT) SHOCK!!

  In a message dated 9/5/2004 11:41:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, peter.west410 at ntlworld.com writes:

    A worrying thing is that it is undefendable against,It is not possible to fortify every school .Even if it were possible,Then they could target other public buildings.
         If you go on the offensive against the terrorists,They can still attack any non-military target..What to do?
        Is there a solution?

  The only solution to stuff like terrorism, which is a way of waging warfare w/o a traditional army, is to get rid of capitalism. In Chechnya, the fighting is mainly over oil, with the region's long-standing nationalism used as an ideology to fire people up (it's hard to motivate people to fight only over oil). And remember, the idea of formal nation-states (look at the history of Germany and Italy, for example) was ushered in along with the rise of capitalism. Finally, Kerry wants even more troops in Iraq (to control their oil and who they sell it to) than Bush--it doesn't matter who's elected as long as filthy capitalism exists. 


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