[kj] politics

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Mon Sep 6 13:43:36 EDT 2004

  Completely false. Half the world lives in extreme poverty.
  ****Yes...The countries that never embraced Capitalism*****

   The leading cause of death is diahrrea, caused be no access to clean water.
  ****We used too have many diseases in the West,Through progression we have managed to eradicate most of them*******

   Whole countries are being devastated by AIDS. 
  ******AIDS is completely avoidable********

  This in a world where food is overproduced and resources are plenty. 
  ****Not many capitalists starve*******

  Wake up, right-winger! 

  ****Go back to sleep Commie.......(He started it)*******


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