[kj] spoken word

sade1 saulomar1 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 15 17:39:49 EDT 2004

   Ironically, that probably IS the legacy of the 25th Anniversary:
no 25th anni. tour, no drummers, 
 the Historia DVD, official site dead,
 mgm't shuffle, what award ceremony.....
   the only good thing marking the KJ25thanniversary is (again, 
IRONICALLY) is that Big Paul has resurfaced, or at least blipped
on the radar screen once again.

"peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com> wrote:
The Drummers left,The official websites been abandoned,The live DVD has been
scrapped,The download sites have all been closed down,The management has
changed,The 25 th anniversary looks like it wont take place,The award
ceremony is but a dream,Apart from that things are fine.

30 th Anniversary :2009,Year of the Joke.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 7:53 PM
Subject: [kj] spoken word

> hey anybody have any news on the joke?

. . . . . . .
To all the rain and the thunder
I'm headed into the sun,
I wanna be there when you come....
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