[kj] o/t son of Thatcher

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 06:07:33 EDT 2004

neither here nor there really
the offspring of one of the brides of the beast has simply capitalised
on the death and destruction of people, their hopes and their culture.

your responce to the magnificence of Thatcher herself is obscene. You
werent there to see children in food kitchens as their communities
were systematically destroyed by MacGregor and the police (reinforced
by the army) in state enforced cultural cleansing sponsored no doubt
by those with investment in nuclear power and oil & gas.

you espouse your hatred of the fat nation yet you celebrate the
pioneer of the 'me' generation. Now we live in towns witth no sence of
communities, where kids binge drink in order to be parasites on an
ever increasingly stretched health service while those with money have
health insurance to jump the queues. Communities that were the heart
of this nation now the pawns of city fleets of fancy.

Yes thank you Thatcher and while you and your offspring dine and wine
on the helplessness you have left behind you will never have my
concesion. And the likes of Murdoch who jumps onto one boat to another
in order to keep in favour do so to take the little money you actually
have. gotcha!

in all your decadence people die

On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 09:02:58 +0100, peter.west410
<peter.west410 at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> I Don't regard him as a spiv,It's been well documented that life for
> Africans was more prosperous in colonial days.
>   Then the visitors started farms and reinvested the wealth in the
> continent,Today's leaders (generally) amass wealth then take it out of
> Africa,Now Africa is ravaged by starvation, civil war and disease.
>         Should the West be compassionate and re-colonise or leave it be, and
> let Africa die as a continent

Silures Tribe
Communication is complicated. Each person is raised in a different
family with a different definition of each word.

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