fatpotanga fatpotanga at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 12:10:22 EDT 2005

> voting should be compulsory

I disagree.
It's an individuals democratic right to choose not to vote should they wish.
Not voting does cast ones opinion - it shows you have no faith or interest
in what any of the parties have to say.
I must admit I'm struggling this election and for the first time ever am
seriously contemplating not taking part.
I don't want to give my vote to any of the main 3. In all honesty I don't
NOT want to vote, (especially in light of the BNP angle which I hadn't
considered), I personally feel there's no other option.
But that's just my opinion.
If you think about it, whoever gets in we'll be dissatisfied and moan about
the same old same olds.
I still blame Thatcher. We still live in the fallout of her legacy.    =:¬) 

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