[kj] BTATS symbol - again

Jiri unspeakable at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 12 09:58:59 EDT 2005

Thanks for this...quite interesting. And thanks for making me dig out 
the vinyl last night! (as the symbol doesn't appear in my CD booklet). 
Indeed, what a disappointment it must've been to expect that to be the 
cover of the album, only to end up with those...um...portraits of 
questionable taste. And Antoni, congrats on the sweet proposal...from 
the looks of it you chose the right venue!

fatpotanga wrote:

>Anything can mean something to someone, even if only on a personal level.
>My wife & I have a few little codes - they're irrelevant to everyone except
>us but that doesn't make it meaningless.
>No knowledge is useless, even if it's only of use to a single person.
>The symbol on BTATS fascinates me.
>As we all know, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns is taken from Oppenheimer's
>description of the atom bomb.
>Is it coincidence that the sleeve features a symbol of 4 compass points
>aligned N, E S, W being engulfed by a sun like ball of fire?
>The compass points are linked by at what first appears to be symmetrical
>grid of lines except the western point is slightly different.
>Coincidence then that the West develops a weapon that could destroy the
>earth and the western point of the symbol is highlighted?
>Also of the 4 elements isn't Fire the 4th?
>Coincidence that all this appears on an album titled after the atom bomb by
>a band keen on symbology?
>I'm sure there's more lurking in there possbily relating to the Baghavad
>Gita & Oppenheimer's quoting form it. "I am become death, the destroyer of
>Of course I may be talking crap but in my little head that seems to stack
>Whether it's from from the bods at Stylorouge or somewhere else I'm curious
>as to the origin of this and whether I'm on the right track.
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