[kj] Jaz would appreciate this article

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 04:55:42 EDT 2005

Thats what im hoping, he'll come back, get a job, join the police
force, get married, have children, pay his
taxes......................ha ha ha ha ha ha
hes got court cases coming up and all, theres a police assult in
there. Just modern day young punks.

On 4/14/05, Juliet Pleming <pricepleming at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> My 16 year old went to social services about 6 months ago and told them
> that I had thrown him out. This was loosely based on reality. He had

live for today, live for tomorrow
"Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any
organisation, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual,
nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique. He
has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the
understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and
not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection..."

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