[kj] Hamburger Lady????

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 17 00:34:22 EDT 2005

Throbbing Gristle playing "chords", hahahahaah! That's
a good one.

--- "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com>
> Shoegazers:I could nt think of a better word ,I
> realised that it was
> inappropriate,But could nt think of anything else(We
> are not all journos
> ,You know)
>     But ,You re right again Al.I ve never actually
> even heard one chord of
> theirs, let alone one song.I was basing my analysis
> on fact that they wrote
> a song about "Hamburger lady".I just have no time
> for depressing songs."Red
> House Painters" are about as far as I go, miserable
> wise.
>         PW
> See now, before the SBE gigs, this is exactly the
> type of post that would've
> gotten on my nerves, but having met the estimable
> Peter West, I know he's
> just being silly (in the head) as is his inimitable
> forte.
> That said, to explain the thought process behind the
> endeavors -- artistic
> or otherwise -- of Throbbing Gristle is something
> that takes veritable tomes
> to do (and hats off to Simon Ford for doing it, ala
> "Wreckers of
> Civilization: the story of Coum Transmissions &
> Throbbing Gristle"....not
> beach reading by any stretch). They were neither
> manic depressives nor
> squeaky clean rich kids, and they *ASSUREDLY* did
> not have shit for brains.
> As far as dressing weird, only Genesis P-Orridge
> took up that particular
> baton (and fucking ran with it). By and large, TG
> looked like garden variety
> citizens, but made some of the most viscerally
> harrowing and gorgeously ugly
> music to ever grace audiotape. In terms of subject
> matter, TG concentrated
> on the very things that plague the human psyche,
> making their art more
> provocative than simple three chord punk rock In
> their own words: Throbbing
> Gristle delivered "entertainment through pain" and
> engaged in "nothing short
> of a total war on contemporary perceptions". To
> write them off -- let alone
> to call them shoegazers (if you heard even a
> nanosecond of their output,
> you'd realize this is an inaccurate description) --
> is to make yourself look
> wildly and woefully misinformed.
> Alex in NYC
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