[kj] Hamburger Leighdy????

Javier Garcia jagargal at lycos.com
Tue Apr 19 13:40:00 EDT 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com>
>   I ve proved you wrong Leigh.I d respect you a lot more if you had the
> courage to admit you are wrong, rather than make a "Chemical Ali " style
> stance (The Americans are not here,There  are no-where near the airport) in
> the vague hope that your twaddle might start to make some sense.
>      If I ever found myself to be wrong,Id have no hesitation to admit it.
>            PW

Ha, ha ha! Peter you are impossible!!!. Sorry for this sudden appeareance --I really don't care about your discussion (i've never listened to TG, so...)-- That old trick you used, c'mon!!<I d respect you a lot more if you had the courage to admit you are wrong>. I'm sure we all will respect you -Peter- a very lot more if you, for only a single time, admit you are wrong!!!!. I pray for the day!!! Admit it, you're mother told you several times: You're as stubborn as a mule!! (with all due respect :-)
I guess that won't make you that funny though... but i may be wrong. ;>)

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