[kj] Death & metal resurrection show?
Phillipps Marc
Marc.Phillipps at enfield.nhs.uk
Wed Apr 20 06:35:11 EDT 2005
I found Nightbreed to be a big disappointment . .
I have a signed first edition of Cabal (the book the film was made from) and
it is so much better
I wish Barker would make a film of Weaveworld
> -----Original Message-----
> From: parasikon [SMTP:parasikon at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:26 AM
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: RE: [kj] Death & metal resurrection show?
> Dog Soldiers was an excellent werewolf flick.Also,Nightbreed,The
> Howling,all of the Halloween movies except for about the last three or
> four..or five,Candyman(first one),or Lord Of Illusions.
> J C <elipsis44 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah I have to agree...I lost interest in modern horror too! Most of it is
> Crap! Lousy Digital effects and poor Direction. Where did all the good
> writers go!
> Like Early Clive Barker or John Carpenter. How about Giger derived
> content.
> One of my favorites is NightBreed, back in the day or Hell Raiser I II.
> JC
> >From: Dave Noonan <noonan.hq at ntlworld.com>
> >Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> <gathering at misera.net>
> >To: <gathering at misera.net>
> >Subject: [kj] Death & metal resurrection show?
> >Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 12:49:53 +0100
> >
> >I think Death Metal is actually musical WWF with a strong element of
> Spinal
> >Tap...! all style and formula over content (WWF) - I think the comedy
> >element is ambiguous; as surely no one really wants to look like a
> complete
> >tit....? Oooh Satan - I¹m scared!!!!!
> >...and... talking of films - we were recently discussing the lack of good
> >horror films nowadays - is it just because they are all crap or just
> because
> >you have grown up and realise the ridiculousness of it all? Can anyone
> >recommend any genuinely scary films of late - one that will make me shit
> a
> >rather large brick!? I still remember the Omen/Exorcist/Poltergeist types
> >from the 70¹s 80¹s...or am I just being a nostalgic old twat!
> >
> >Dave
> >Leeds
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