[kj] aftershow drunken chat!

Paul Rangecroft spud.u.hate at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 06:10:57 EDT 2005

On 8/22/05, Rob's Arse <joker at z6.com> wrote:

> Honestly? Killing Joke look like they are having fun and really enjoying it.
> None of the dark menace that used to prevail.

I thought we liked the dark menace?

Good post, Rob. Gives those of us that didn't go a flavour of the
evening. It was cool of Joe to make the trip. And sponsored by
Kerrang! - surely the icing on the cake!

Even if Geordie does look like the one with cancer it can't be a bad
thing that he's tea-total now.

More photos someone, please.

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