[kj] Barfly fight

Neil Perry neilfperry at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 23 20:55:33 EDT 2005

Do you mean the Raven stage incident?
A bloke jumped onstage right in front of Raven and
stood there. Raven gave him a heavy shove and knocked
him down. I know Peter disagrees but if you know
anything about Killing Joke, you know not to leap
about in front of Raven onstage unless you want to get
slapped. And if that bloke didn't know, then he does

I didn't see any other fighting

--- Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com wrote:

> Anyone have any idea what the fight was about in the
> Barfly on  
> sunday?!?Because I was almost knocked over because
> of it,some guy stumbled and  fell into 
> me,and I tripped over someones foot,but
> luckily,someone caught me  before I hit 
> the floor
> Space man came down to earth,took a look around to 
> see what its worth,came 
> up to me,looked me in the eye,laughed out loud and
> said  die monkey die
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