[kj] chat down?

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 31 12:19:56 EDT 2005

You can probably blame me for Aja. She was an ILM regular who fastened 
onto the `Joke due to Grohl's fleeting participation. I may have been 
the first to steer her in the direction of the message boards. I've 
told her to join the Gathering, but she doesn't seem interested 
(intimidated maybe?)

Alex in NYC

On Wednesday, August 31, 2005, at 10:25 AM, PRAEst76 wrote:

> Tim Bucknall wrote:
>> Go back to Sleep!, i'll wake you when its time for tea!
> I didn't see bluce's post initually. I've no idea who aja is, so my 
> comment wasn't directed at them.
> I don't seem to have patience for message boards. I don't check them 
> regulary and if you don't check them regularly the messages build up 
> and you find you can't be arsed reading through them all, and if you 
> actually do you'll usually wish you hadn't.
> -- 
> PRAEst76
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