[kj] Deutsche no gigs

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 14:12:08 EST 2005

On Monday 05 Dec 2005 13:14, Brian Whitehead wrote:

> Can you bloody believe it !!! ...again !!!
> I've managed to cancel my hotels but I've lost my flights, airport parking
> and train fare which comes to nearly £175. All this and I lost my job last
> month after moving house and uping my mortgage the week before... and I
> still decided to go. Its not just the dosh its what it cost with the 'other
> half' and loosing all rites to go to any other gigs. Thats it now I'll
> never be allowed to a KJ gig again even if the plan to play in my back
> garden.

I'd considered the SO36 show myself, despite being amazingly low on funds this 
year. Thank christ I didn't bother or I'd be REALLY fucking miffed at this. 
Probably would've taken all my KJ out into the garden and torched it. 
Probably regretted it later, but still..

KJ are really racking up a bad reliability rep here. What do you bet next time 
people are a hell of a lot more hesitant when a tour comes around.

Not that I really wish sickness upon anyone but I hope Jaz is ill and this 
isn't yet just another symptom of bad organisation and planning in the KJ 


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