[kj] OT: Tookie and Arnie

Tim Bucknall tim.bucknall at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 13 08:39:38 EST 2005

kill the gangster bastard!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nicholas fitzpatrick" <gasw30 at hotmail.com>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:03 PM
Subject: [kj] OT: Tookie and Arnie

> And today's big issue is: Should Tookie have been put to death?
> I don't know enough about the facts to say at the moment. Not that it 
> matters.
> Is it true that it was his lawyers that nominated him for the Nobel Peace 
> Prize? That's what someone on the BBC website said, but then that's about 
> as reliable a source as The Gathering ;)
> Nick
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