[kj] OT: Tookie and Arnie

Papa Lazarou circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 13 12:55:35 EST 2005

So why not imprison him for life? You could argue that his early life was subject to social conditioning. I am not condoning his crimes however.

Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:    I'm not even convinced that he should have lived, let alone been 'shocked'. Arguments about the death penalty itself aside, is there any reason why he shouldn't have been subject to it in a state that has the death penalty? I'm not sure good works since count either. Yes, he very much should have devoted his existence to making sure other people don't make the same mistakes, but I'm not convinced that's enough to erase the past damage he did, either as himself or as the founder of the cripps.
  And yes, I'm aware that he may not have been guilty at all.

Papa Lazarou <circuit_bender at yahoo.com> wrote:
    Why's everyone so shocked about this happening in the US? One of the worst violators of human rights, and with 33% of it's population living below the poverty line.   

"Darth E. Vader" <crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
--- The Exorcist wrote:

> Ahhhhh, you forgot to mention the jury that
> convicted him, all the 
> judges that reviewed his case and dealt with all the
> appeals.

Yeah they never make mistakes these
Professional Sadists!

> (mind you in next year any one of you can easily by
> a Nobel Prize 
> nominee... let's not forget " Hitler was proposed
> for the Nobel Peace Prize ")

For his economic miracle?

> You're an Idiot

Greg seems more intelligent to me than quite a few of

> Much Love,
> Yos
> At 08:52 AM 12/13/2005, you wrote:
> >I find is gross that Schwarznager (who cares if I
> can't spell his < BR>> >name), the moron actor, Nazi sympathizer, sexual
> harrasser, 
> >anti-immigrant racist, and budget cutter, has
> killed a multiple 
> >Nobel prize nominee who's tried to correct his ways
> by keeping 
> >children out of gangs (he's written several books
> for kids on the 
> >issue). Only in the good-ole-USA.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Tim Bucknall 
> >To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the
> band!) 
> >Sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 13:39:38 -0000
> >Subject: Re: [kj] OT: Tookie and Arnie
> >
> >kill the > >----- Original Message -----

Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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