[kj] OT: Tookie and Arnie

Papa Lazarou circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 13 16:18:23 EST 2005

And God look at the society he lived in.
  I guess it's a yank thing. Having a social right to kill.

Scarlet <lucyfyre at gmail.com> wrote:
     I choose to live in a state where the death penalty is alive (excuse the pun) and therefore just like Tookie acted with his will, the society he lived in can act accordingly to their beliefs too. 
  On 12/13/05, Papa Lazarou <circuit_bender at yahoo.com> wrote:
    So, how is killing him a punishment? They have removed him from any kind suffering?
  Please could you explain why you believe you have a right to take his life.
  Self defence?

Scarlet <lucyfyre at gmail.com> wrote:
    I believe so.

  On 12/13/05, Papa Lazarou <circuit_bender at yahoo.com > wrote:     Do they?

Scarlet <lucyfyre at gmail.com> wrote:
     But the reality is he killed people and therefore people have every right to kill him. 

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