[kj] OT: Iain Banks
Darth E. Vader
crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 17 11:16:55 EST 2005
Not as good as
Feersum Endjinn
& Walking On Glass
& The Wasp Factory
--- bongo <humanhybrid666 at gmail.com> wrote:
> i recently read "Dead Air"by Iain Banks in which a
> radio dj had a chance at
> tv for the first time, debating a holocaust denier .
> . .
> the dj said nothing, but got up and smashed the
> denier in the face,
> afterwards claiming no such assault ever took place.
> a good book.
> was listening to Maximo Park while reading that
> book, which provided a very
> apt soundtrack to the story in my own special world.
> in other Off Topic news, now reading Ben Eltons 'The
> First Casualty'. that
> man is a fucking legend.
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