[kj] OT: Da Vinci Code

Phillipps Marc Marc.Phillipps at enfield.nhs.uk
Fri Feb 4 09:05:04 EST 2005

>who would you believe ? a church that declares JC as the Son of God circa
>325 a.d. and his mam as a virgin even later or anybody else who takes a
>stab at the truth ?

A bit of A, a bit of B .. 

A lot of rubbish & conspiracy has been written over the years, a lot of it
emanating from the church itself . . historical fact is sometimes hard to

The fact that Dan Brown read a few books and wrote a (not very good*) novel
claiming a lot of what he'd read is true seems to be beyond doubt though. 


*C'mon, it's like Janet & John do Forcaults Pendulum :o)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	michael.head at directline.com [SMTP:michael.head at directline.com]
> Sent:	Friday, February 04, 2005 1:57 PM
> To:	A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject:	RE: [kj] OT: Da Vinci Code
> who would you believe ? a church that declares JC as the Son of God circa
> 325 a.d. and his mam as a virgin even later or anybody else who takes a
> stab at the truth ?
>                       Phillipps Marc
>                       <Marc.Phillipps at enfi        To:       "'A list about
> all things Killing Joke (the band!)'"                   
>                       eld.nhs.uk>                  <gathering at misera.net>
>                       Sent by:                    cc:
>                       gathering-bounces at mi        Subject:  RE: [kj] OT:
> Da Vinci Code                                             
>                       sera.net
>                       04/02/2005 13:35
>                       Please respond to "A
>                       list about all
>                       things Killing Joke
>                       (the band!)"
> Good program,
> I think the whole Mary Magdalene thing needs closer examination, it is
> quite evident (looking at the Gnostic scriptures) that she was quite
> comprehensively written out of the bible in the early drafts (disciple
> envy
> I would guess)
> The rest of the program made Dan Brown (and Michael Baigent) look like a
> bit of a fool . . which is no bad thing :)
> I am amazed Laurence Gardner didn't manage to get a look in though
> Marc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   nicholas fitzpatrick [SMTP:gasw30 at hotmail.com]
> Sent:   Friday, February 04, 2005 1:24 PM
> To:     gathering at misera.net
> Subject:        [kj] OT: Da Vinci Code
> There was two hour documentary on British telly last night completely
> debunking the basic thesis of the Dan Brown Da Vinci Code. I only mention
> this as Jaz obviously has a sympathy with the idea that Mary Magdeline
> (sp??) was the wife of Christ and came to Europe with their child, Sarah
> (and also because I've a bit of an interest in all that esoteric stuff
> myself).
> A small French town down in "Grail Land" (SW France) celebrates the
> arrival
> of these historical figures every year, but the locals say they don't
> believe them to have been Mary plus daughter Sarah. Instead it was a few
> other non-Bible related travellers from the Middle East with a servant
> called Sarah.
> Everything else about the Grail story was ripped to shreds too (such as
> the
> Priory of Sion, which was apparently an elaborate surrealist hoax), making
> Dan Brown look like a prick when, during some library footage of an
> interview with him, he argued enthusiastically for the validity of the
> whole
> thing.
> Anyway, I'm not too bothered either way, just mentioning it for its vague
> KJ
> relevance. Jaz's opera was about this subject and I'm sure there are some
> references to Magdeline on KJ 2003, although I've not really analysed the
> lyrics. "Blessed Mother come to meee..." might be one though. And of
> course
> his partnership with that fantacist bloke Garnier, which was all about the
> Grail bloodline. Interesting theory while it lasted though.
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