[kj] [ot] weird

mike coles mike at maliciousdamage.co.uk
Sat Feb 5 04:59:28 EST 2005

strangest of coincidences

yesterday danny baker was inviting listeners to phone in with 
songs/music to be played at various tube stations
i.e. sunny goodge street at goodge st, madness at camden etc etc
i thought of concrete and the clay by unit 4+2 for embankment [south 
bank concrete mess]
it also brought back fond memories of my first teenage sexual 
experiences in the back room at my girlfriend's house

yesterday evening i met steve the drummer and nick the singer from 
faces of sarah
great blokes - a quick drink at 5.30 ended up in a taxi home at midnight

anyway midway through the evening nick said "have you ever heard of unit 4+2?"
"that's weird" say i "i was just thinking about them today for the 
first time in years - they were the soundtrack to my first sexual 

"my dad was the singer" says he

just thought i'd share that with you all

i'l go and stew in my hangover now

the concrete and the clay beneath my fett begin to crumble...
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