[kj] OT more unlikely pairings

Juliet Pleming pricepleming at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Feb 15 15:31:10 EST 2005

Thank you for supporting my point which I didn't come back with because
I did not want to appear too pedantic. Actually, I wanted to see what
xxxxxxxxxx's response would be to me when I asked about his nationality
because I have noticed like you that he talks about things that an
American wouldn't relate to such as the 'council house generation'. I
have also discovered that his server whitemail.ie is Irish. Also like
you I have noticed that he can be very annoying.


-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
On Behalf Of Dudley North
Sent: 14 February 2005 12:38
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] OT more unlikely pairings

A-Z's are so called because they list all the streets in a particular
area in alphabetical order. So there may be one called "Cardiff", but
the title you decribe is more of a route map. Are you thick or

Also, "[I] thought you were American" is perfectly valid. There's no
need for an "An". are you thick or something? You wouldn't say "I
thought you were an English", would you? I suspect maybe you are a
complete numbskull.

A-wank-a-willywoo! A-WANK-A-WILLYWOO!! There's a sale on at WORLD OF
WANK! EVERYTHING MUST GO! I loved wanking so much I bought the
company! 100% wank satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!!!
A-wank-a-willywoo! A-WANK-A-WILLYWOO!!

(oh Y don't you just sod off, you wanky wanker from Wank St.,
Wanksville-upon-Wank, Wankshire.)

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:18:07 +0000, xxxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxxx at whitemail.ie>
> More unlikely pairings:
> Bluce Ree buying an A-Z,entitled:
> "How to get to Cardiff Millennium Stadium".
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