[kj] OT : FY2006 Defense Budget

circuit bender circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 15 18:48:10 EST 2005

Kind of hope you're joking.
Or should I call you an ignorant twat now? Only people making money are corporations [Haliburton], a lot of your weapons aren't American built, and your President is taking back social security to pay for the debt he is kindly going to leave you, while he buggers off to the Bahamas when his term has finished.

xxxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxxx at whitemail.ie> wrote:

"how do 
our Stateside gatherers feel about that ?"

The money is spent,But it doesnt disappear,It helps the economy.
For example:The money spent on military hardware is made by American companys,which employ American workers who pay taxes to the American government.
And the soldiers pay is mostly spent in government shops.So the more money the Government spends the more it receives back.The war economy keeps millions of Americans in jobs,who would otherwise be unemployed and claiming welfare(happy now Juliet ?).
Not only does it promote America,But it also gives an opportunity for young Americans to join the army ,branch out,travel around the world..........meet various nationalities ..............converse with youths of other countries............discuss different ideologies............then shoot the bastards ,if they dont come around to the proper way of thinking.

Money well spent


So the US defence budget for FY2006 is just $419.3 billion folks, plus a 
year on year increase up to $502.3 billion in fiscal year 2011 ... how do 
our Stateside gatherers feel about that ? more secure or a tad more poor ? 
Dubya's pledge "to defeat global terrorism" ... with military might ? ... 
they just don't seem to get it ...

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:52 PM
Subject: FY2006 Defense Budget 
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