[kj] speling and grammer (OT)

Dudley North spud.u.hate at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 04:59:58 EST 2005

I wasn't correcting your spelling, I was correcting your grammar. You
can't even get a simple thing like that right, can you? Are you thick
or something? And replying to posts two days old is only faux pas if
you're a miserable weirdo rotting away in some cyberspace half-life
limbo. And isn't that a bit rich coming from someone who used to get
himself so wound up he'd reply to posts several weeks old?

You're such a sad little man, always looking for faults, bullying (or
at least trying to bully) the weakest. Your attacks are embarrassingly
weak. It's not funny, it's plain for all to see this is false humour.
We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you. Having a go at
Mel's spelling, for crying out loud. Perhaps Private Eye could benefit
from a devastating satirist like you, Peter? FYI, you are only
slightly more comprehensible than Mel, and nobody takes you seriously.
At least she has a good heart, not a heart of darkness.

I hope at least one person at the gigs has the balls to put you in
your place. I understand Malicious Damage T-shirts will be worn as
protest against the way Mike has been treated by the band. I suggest
this is extended so that all Gatherers respond to any attempt at
communication by Peter West with a simply hand gesture.

Whatever pain, hurt, anger and unhappiness you are holding on to, let
it go. Lighten up or bugger off, you sorry sick worm.

Somewhere the sun shines in the East. But likewise somewhere the West
sun is always setting.

We watch the sun go down.

The horror. The horror.

PS sorry if all this OT is boring some people, but the pinhead needs
to hear it IMHO.

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 18:33:03 +0000, xxxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxxx at whitemail.ie> wrote: 
> Correcting peoples spelling mistakes was soooooooo "two days ago",Do try to keep up.
>  While on the subject of spelling ,I would like to commend Mel for the improvements in her posts.They are much easier to read ,And im now inclined too take you more seriously.
>  I sincerely hope you keep up the effort and your posts dont once more descend into @narchy.

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