[kj] what a night

Neil Perry neilfperry at btinternet.com
Sat Feb 26 11:09:12 EST 2005

At some point down the front Graham and I noticed a bloke who was
almost unconscious, half-collapsed with his face pressed into the
back of the person in front. He was in danger of getting seriously
stomped so we pulled him out and Graham shepherded him out
of the battle zone. 10 mins later I saw the same guy again, in the
same state, right in the thick of it. Change had just kicked off... Graham
said when he got the guy out of the mosh, the guy saw someone with a spliff,
grabbed it, had a toke then staggered back into the mosh. We pulled him
out again, but about 5 mins later I saw him again, slowly sinking beneath
a mass of fists/bodies/feet. If anyone's feeling rough today - I feel at least
70 yrs old - just think of that guy...there's just no helping some people is there?

Wrightdvdw at aol.com wrote:
Unfortunatley had to cut short and leave at 11.15 to catch the tube back, but another brilliant night my mate also loved it and thanked me for showing him a decent band , I left him at the bar and dived in to the mosh pit not bad for 42 , and after the previous night my legs and arms just about held it together , got some lovely blisters and bruises , but hey thats the sign of a good time, my mate also manged to fall into the tube train completely pissed but we made in back. Great to meet some more faces Graham rowland , PW,and some bloke i spoke to at the bar in the final part who is going to try and set up a punk dj cant remember his name.
Am now going for a pint .
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