[kj] So called fans......

Tim Bucknall tim.bucknall at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 27 11:59:02 EST 2005

yeah that was great at the manchester Show in '03 i assumed he  was just 
threatening the soundman cos he was out of the mix for the first  few songs
he's great to watch like that

Rob's Arse wrote:

> Anyone else noticed how much Raven talks to himself when playing. 
> Someone told him to fuck off at one point and i could lip read him 
> threatening to "smack you in the gob". Daft old git
> --- "Termite" <npscott at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> *From:* "Termite" <npscott at blueyonder.co.uk>
> *Date:* Sat, 26 Feb 2005 23:27:18 -0000
> *To:* "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" 
> <gathering at misera.net>
> *Subject:* [kj] So called fans......
> Well, last night was amazing, as everyone has commented the joke were 
> on top form, shame to comment though on the minor element of so called 
> "fans" who should be ashamed to call themselves Killing Joke fans.
> I am referring to the stupid c*nts who for some reason from the 
> balconies think its fun to either sling beer at the standing area 
> below or even more disgracefully at the stage at both Raven and in 
> Jaz's direction, to which at one stage Raven looked up at rather 
> pissed off about, and Jaz on more than one occassion had to have stage 
> crew mop up so he didnt slip up on.
> Considering it was a celebratory event KJ's 25th anniversary, a so 
> called joyous occassion, why (from the level 1 balcony that I was on) 
> did a lot of fans look so frigging miserable, and also feel that they 
> need to "insult" the band by chucking beer at them?.....its a fucking 
> insult of the highest order, to me like its like spitting on 
> someone....someone they paid to see, doesn't make any sense at all.
> Further to this, thanks to the c*nts behind me and my wife who were 
> that rat arsed, not to even give a fuck about fellow jokers and just 
> sling there beer everywhere and even worse one use my fucking head and 
> seat as an ash tray I was stood out of......disrespectful c*nt.
> Sad to say some jokers should be ashamed of themselves for even 
> thinking that they are part of the gathering and so called Killing 
> Joke fans.
> Termite
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