Subject: [kj] Crue/Joke.Brothers in arms tour.
xxxxxxxxxx at
Tue Jan 4 07:42:11 EST 2005
I regard Physical size of Americans,As the results of our success.
We have the means to eat whatever and as much as we like,We can get the food delivered and the trash removed for us.
And we dont have too visit other countries as we can see them on our 42 " televisions,And I can talk too dumb-ass limeys on the net.
And when we lose the ability to move we can get liposuction.
They are trying to find a use for this extracted fat,They are trying to get it used in candle-making ,if that fails they are trying to make it fit for animal swill.Once they have found a use,A company will come to your house and suck all the access fat out,pay you for it and leave you in peace to eat a huge bowl of pop-corn whilst watching the super-bowl.
Out of all the limeys on here,How many have visited the dentist in the last six months?
Does anyone in fat arse, stupid land have any respect for the rest of the
world? Do you know where that is?
>From: "xxxxxxxxxx" <xxxxxxxxxx at>
>Reply-To: xxxxxxxxxx at,"A list about all things Killing Joke
>(the band!)" <gathering at>
>To: gathering at
>Subject: [kj] Crue/Joke.Brothers in arms tour.
>Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 21:55:10 +0000
Does anyone over in bad teeth land know what kind on venue this
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