[kj] the list

mike coles mike at maliciousdamage.co.uk
Thu Jan 6 12:13:29 EST 2005

not a lot of people know this but andyM knows everyone's address
when you quit the list he sneaks round your house in the middle of 
the night, comes down the chimney switches on your computer and 
subcribes you again

and all the while he's doing this he sings, ever so quietly, the 
theme tune to rawhide
rollin' rollin' rollin'...


don't try to understand 'em
just rope'n'roll'n'brand 'em
check out the shop at http://www.maliciousdamage.co.uk
if you want to receive the monthly malicious gossip tell us at 
gossip at maliciousdamage.co.uk

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