[kj] OT -- Metal Joke

parasikon parasikon at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 8 06:38:37 EST 2005

Have you heard anything off the new album where they take some of the old Anthrax classics and jazz them up with John Bush's vocals?Heard "Be All,End All" off of it.Nicely done.Think the album was called "The Greater Of Two Evils" or something similar and just as stupid.

Bo Krogsgaard <t23 at mother.brap.dk> wrote:
On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, Leigh Newton wrote:

> Hahahaha! Come on, Bo! It's said with love. I was
> listening to and loving Persistence of Time the other
> day, for chrissake.

That is SPEED metal (and their demo tape was better).


PS: i probably shouldn't mention i had a beer with Steve DiGiorgio, 
Sebastian Bach and Ralph Santolla a month ago. I don't have their demo 
tapes but if they aren't thrash metal then they suck.

PPS: I have at least two 2004 metal albums stealing the opening riff of 
Anthrax - Be All, End All, wonder why that album sold like shit (well it 
didn't live up to their demo tape) since it seems everybody are copying 
them all of a sudden.

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