[kj] OT: Tsunami: USA partly to blame for deaths of tensofthousands

ade ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
Sun Jan 9 15:41:59 EST 2005

>    And the ""Money property assets before lives.." slogan applies to us
all.The amount of people that died in the tsunami(150 000)die every 10 days
in Africa through various causes and would you give your"money property
assets" to save these lives:
   Is your answer yes or no,To these painful truths?

Interesting. The original quote (in reply to my "Profits over people"
relates to the sorts of organisations that really couldn't give a flying 4k
the people they call 'resources'. It's not about guilting me or anyone else
on the
list into selling-up their livelyhoods - it's just a dig at the 'big boys'.

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