[kj] kj] [OT] Jewish American Support for Dubya

xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx at whitemail.ie
Sun Jan 9 16:23:10 EST 2005

Ade,You confuse me.
    The ideas and opinions that you would like were written above the offending sentence.Why do you ignore these nine previous lines and specifically target  the last sentence?
    And if my opinion is that he is mistaken in his views then I shall let him know.And its hardly "Thrashing" someone is it?
    And the irony off it is that: I gave my opinion,  But you never and you complained about people not giving opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
   The original posting is below for you too re-consider.


> Mark :You are talking b0ll0cks. 

Wow. I really don't like this sh!t - I was hoping we could bounce ideas off each other & then anyone who knows better can inform as appropriate, as opposed to trashing people which *normally* makes me switch-off these days. This is really sad.


I think you are completely mistaken,The far right Jews(orthodox) believe that their messiah will come down and lead the jews to the promised land (Israel)
As the messiah has not come yet ,They regard the present state of Israel as being an imposter.
Indeed these Jews are apposed to the present day Israel state just as much as the Palestinians are.
They assume because a present day Israel exists ,The messiah wont come.
Mark :You are talking bollocks

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