[kj] OT -- Metal Joke
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 9 22:55:16 EST 2005
i've tried and tried but can't find a damn thing good
about John Bush-era Anthrax. it all sounds like
unremarkable, tough guy rock. Spreading the Disease,
Among the Living, State of Euphoria and Persistence of
Time. That's the only Anthrax that exists, to me. And,
ok, Fistful of Metal, only because of the song
Soldiers of Metal and how dead-serious it is.
--- ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
> Cheers Uncle Bo. I thought 'Sound of White Noise'
> was very good, but as
> you say they've definitely been patchy since.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of Bo
> Krogsgaard
> Sent: 09 January 2005 21:48
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: RE: [kj] OT -- Metal Joke
> On Sun, 9 Jan 2005, ade wrote:
> > My theory - I think when they started getting 'all
> political' they
> > found that Joey didn't fit with their new view of
> the band - anyone
> > know the REAL reason Joey went/got sacked/etc?
> Not really. It's a fact that Joey started losing
> interest in Anthrax. It's
> also a fact that poodle hair was pretty much passe
> in the early 90s.
> Anthrax wanted a rawer sound and rawer vocals and
> since Joey was never
> part of the songwriting process, he was disposable.
> My personal
> speculations tell me that they made the move because
> they suddenly had
> Elektra behind them, but wanted to do so even
> before, just didn't because
> Megaforce weren't that economically stable at that
> time.
> Actually, Bush (John, you fucktards) isn't as bad as
> most people want to
> make him. There are good post-Joey songs but not in
> the same amount. You
> can pretty much find them all on Return Of The
> Killer A's which is an
> essential fucking starting point for any Anthrax
> newbie. Skip the first
> track and you're safe.
> I'll take any recent Anthrax album over anything
> Joey ever did solo, and
> that's a fact. I bet even his demo tape sucks.
> b
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