[kj] ebay
pmdavies at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 04:19:04 EST 2005
i won the Ha! and will add a little bit extra on the cheque
thanks for putting it up there!
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:27:31 +0100, Alexandra Tolksdorf >
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4066285909
> Hi people,
> I know Colesy's „Turn to red" 12'' is much more exciting, but maybe you can
> still consider bidding on little ol'
> "Ha!"…?
> It's still stuck at 10 GBP, which is not bad, but I'm sure we can do better?
> We are giving the money to Jester Joe's health fund, so come on.
> If you're willing to pay 50 GBP for "Turn to red" you can easily offer more
> than 10 GBP for "Ha!"…?
> Thanks anyway
> Alexandra (Hamburger).
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