[kj] Hypotheticals re: Anniversary Gigs

juliet pleming pricepleming at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Jan 22 06:37:37 EST 2005

Dear All

I agree with Alex Smith. I take it all with a pinch of salt. For god's sake who do we think KJ are? They aren't some sort of god like beings shining the way forward for mankind, although they have produced some amazing music, and Jaz reckons himself as a bit of a high priest, perhaps at times something magical has come through them, but - at the end of the day - they are just human beings like all of us. If we put them on a pedestal, we are bound to be dissapointed. 


PS Alex, I hesitate to say this, but if you desperately need somewhere to stay - I do have a sofa and will be at SB both nights. But my place is definitely not luxury, and I am sure you could do far better.  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Alexander Smith 
  To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) 
  Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [kj] Hypotheticals re: Anniversary Gigs

  Look, if Mr.Coles himself isn't that bothered by it (and I don't think he is), then you shouldn't be either. And as far as touring with the Crue, it's absurd, but it's a financial windfall for them and another chance to play a big venue for a change. 

  Whatever....if you want to snap your copies of WHAT'S THIS FOR...! in half in protest, I'm not going to stop you, but I think you might be overreacting.

  Alex in NYC

  On Friday, January 21, 2005, at 06:10 PM, Mark G Holt wrote:

    for me, personally, Alex is all the shit with Colesy and aligning yourself with cockrockers.......

    Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:

    "i have lost interest in everything k.j."

    Say what?

    Might I ask.....why is that?


    On Thursday, January 20, 2005, at 04:27 PM, melinda grant wrote:

    > alex....i want to sell my standing/stalls tickets...i have 1..24th/
    > 1.for 25th..if you are interested let me know....these are for the
    > anniversary gigs........reason....i have lost interest in everything
    > k.j....in answer to your q..i suppose there must be some seated
    > tickets remaining..but i would think that it would be for 24th...not
    > sure..if you contact www.stargreen.com they will have a better
    > idear.....mel
    >> From: Alexander Smith 
    >> Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
    >> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
    >> Subject: [kj] Hypotheticals re: Anniversary Gigs
    >> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 12:15:46 -0500
    >> Okay...some questions some of you London folks might help me out with.
    >> 1. Are tickets for any of the Anniversary shows in February still
    >> available?
    >> 2. Anyone have a couch I *MIGHT* be able to sleep on or know of
    >> similar available accommodations?
    >> The wife might have to travel in March (leaving me alone with the
    >> baby for a few days), so I suggested a trade-off: if I could go away
    >> for a few days leaving her alone with the baby, it would be alright.
    >> Just thinking out loud, here, not making plans.......yet
    >> Thanks in advance,
    >> Alex in NYC
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