[kj] Album Covers
Graeme Rowland
crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 26 11:34:55 EST 2005
I think that the only record I ever bought partly
because of the cover was Bad Moon Rising by Sonic
The first two Killing Joke album covers are iconic
Revelations to Night Time have great sleeves.
Night Time has one of the best anti-portraits of a
band, ie. singer covering face in horror as he waits
for Earth to vomit in Europe, whilst the rest of them
look on unperturbed, perhaps contemplating love of the
swollen mound or how to help him piece some things
Yes the album formerly known as Axis Of Evil has
probably the worst sleeve, in itself, and would not be
amazing blown up to 12" if they did a vinyl version.
However it does use the McDonalds colours
(red/yellow), which I heard that corporation were
trying to copyright. Maybe that's coincidence, but you
can change the colours of the rotten clown, by folding
the sleeve like a cheap anti-corporate
many-coloured-peoples party trick. Couple this with
the lyrics and I wonder if perhaps there wasn't some
intention of seeing if McDonalds would be silly enough
to try to sue Sony, who would be a more formidable
opponent in a British court than an ex-teacher.
The hilarious cover and excellent packaging of Chaos
Before Breakfast does indicate that Mike Coles
would've done a better job, but that's so obvious its
hardly worth mentioning at this point.
The thing that annoyed me most about Killing Joke 2003
is that Zennon wasn't released on CD or vinyl in Gross
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