[kj] Stuart Adamson

rob rob at westwoodassociates.co.uk
Wed Jun 29 05:46:12 EDT 2005

Sorry, forgot to say great story...



From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of dave at dna:creative
Sent: 29 June 2005 09:00
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] Stuart Adamson


Great shame that Stuart sauntered off this mortal coil in such a way, very
sad. I always remember he once did a PA in a record shop in Manchester &
when it had finished they asked my Sister where to go for some nightlife so
my Sis told them they were going to a pub quiz round the corner so he could
come along (for a laugh)...and they did! She had a great night out...
Pretentious?...non! Had loads of Skids stuff in double packs and coloured
vinyl, ahhh the days when record companies gave a shit about how they
dressed the music up...halcyon days...COLLLLESYYYYY!!!

Best Skids track: 'Of one Skin' followed by Charade/Into the Valley/The
Saints are coming/Sweet Suburbia

A few 'Armoury Show' tracks (Jobson/McGeoch & ??? -  a kind of composite
'Supergroup') are worth finding too, but for me the Skids had the edge.

There was a posthumous Adamson 'best of', which covers a few Skids tracks
along with some of his Big Country work, worth a few pennies if you can find
one (Double CD)

Did anyone ever see the Skids? I missed out on that one.


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