[kj] Worst KJ sound - worst gig

Mark G Holt akillingjoker at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 1 18:07:14 EST 2005

international in 1990 is the gulfwardance boot and is superb....
worst gig ever...blackburn as a tour warmup before the nighttime tour, it was simply feeble in 1984/5
and i should know.....the setlist was so confused....
but here's a thaught a 25th anniversary killing joke gig
follow the leaders
and fall of because???!!!
what the fucks going on!!!????

fatpotanga <fatpotanga at hotmail.com> wrote:
I think the Apollo’s an awful venue, but the old International 1 & 2 were great & the joke were always excellent there – apart from 1 gig during the legal fallouts following OTG with an exhausted and ill looking Jaz .
Shame they are no more. 
I first saw them at the Apollo on the BTATS tour in ‘86 and got to meet Jaz, BPF and Geordie – this is me aged 16 with jaz... http://www.anirrationaldomain.net/images/jaz/jaz44.html- and the sound was great.
If it was ‘85 wasn’t that the gig where that bloke got on stage and was dancing in front of jaz so he kicked him in the balls? I wasn’t there but a mate was. Would’ve loved to have seen that.

Worst sound for me was at Manchester University on Pandemonium tour

On 1/3/05 3:35 pm, "Wittz" wrote:

I think for me it would have to be Manchest Apolo around 85 (?). It was just one lound sort of buzzing noise. It wasnt until around 5 songs in before I recognised one.

Best sound: Manchester International around 89


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