[kj] OT: Ian Curtis

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 08:37:51 EST 2005

this is with Geordie oops sorry Jude Law as Curtis?
Based on the book by his wife isnt it?
Seperate theme but lots of JD ref read Away days by Keving Sampson

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:57:18 +0000, nicholas fitzpatrick
<gasw30 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> They're making a film out of this depressing c**t (sorry)!.
> The details are contained in a video link at BBC which I couldn't open.
> Anyway, look down the right-hand column for the link.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/default.stm
> Nick
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