[kj] loose cannon

Jpwhkj at aol.com Jpwhkj at aol.com
Mon Mar 28 08:34:26 EST 2005

Cheers Bob - very interesting. My Jaz quote was from a radio interview in 1985, the full quote was something like "...trying to mix Geordie's bloody guitar is ridiculous, it's like a thousand orchestras playing at once".


"Bob Barathy" <bob at bbarathy.plus.com> writes:

>However, I'm sorry that Geordie's guitar no longer sounds like a thousand
>orchestras playing at once (to quote Jaz) and that Jaz's vocals no longer
>display the range that they used to.
>BFP had this to say about Geordie's sound in 1981:
>" Well, yeah, because it's aggressive.  It's raw.  But I find it
>extremely melodious - when I listen to Geordie play, I can hear an
>orchestra, and it's just sort of one single fragmented chord.  I hear an
>orchestra, choirs even.  There are very few other bands that I respect and
>that I enjoy, very few indeed."
>Full interview here:

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