[kj]Peter is Actually Still Quite Mistaken

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Mon May 2 04:42:35 EDT 2005

Peters initial error and therefore his belief that he was right is
simply down to time. By that i mean Peter wasnt really a Cocteau Twins
fan at the time and is simply researching the backcatalogue as he
picks up the info here.
While theres nothing wrong with that it allows a conflict between
those who witnessed at the start and those coming in from the other

i started to pick up on this with some of his references to the punk
bands of certain eras. The approach was systematic and impersonal.

Having met peter i can hardly say he was my age, i dont know how old
he is nor really care. So i can deduce that he wasnt around when i was
for example, so when he refers to bands at that time period i know hes
using either the internet, a book or has maybe read and listened to
the material later on.

i have favourite bands but i dont know of every recording they made
over time, but i know about when they initially approached the
recording, the dynamics of the individuals etc. Now i dont really care
two fucks about  whether something was released maybe in the mid 90's
when the dynamics of the scene were in the early 80's. others do.

live for today, live for tomorrow
"Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any
organisation, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual,
nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique. He
has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the
understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and
not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection..."

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